
Tuesday 27 November 2007

It wasn't just the Libs, Nats and Democrats who failed at this federal election - the Christian Democratic Party bombed also

Gordon Moyes analysis yesterday of the Christian Democratic Party's failure to gain ground on 24 November 2007.
"We have moved too far to the right in conservative terms. We have become an extremist group.-----
We appear to be obscurantist and unthinking people as well as being unchristian. Christian leaders have almost without exception rejected us.-----
Our founder, Rev Fred Nile, is 75 and has outlived most of his strongest supporters. No political party anywhere still has a leader of that age.-----
We must be ruthlessly honest about the reasons for our losses instead of banning post election analysis or covering it with spin and gloss."
Gordon Moyes editorial:
It seems that some in this faith-based party are finally willing to squarely face the mirror, but will it really change for the better?

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