
Sunday 2 December 2007

Cowper's very local Local MP is not up to the deputy leadership of the Nats

Citizens in the electorate of Cowper can breathe easy again and start sleeping at night. Their Local MP, Luke Hartsuyker, pulled out of the race for deputy leadership of the Nationals. Mr Hartsuyker said the job would involve spending too much time outside his electorate.

With the very skinny margin that Hartsuyker has in the seat of Cowper you can bet your bottom dollar he will be out and about in the electorate a heck of a lot more than previously. Perhaps he might even fully acquaint himself with the devil in the detail of WorkChoices, a policy he knew precious little about but was always ready to jump up and support. Readers of The Clarence Valley Review have golden memories of Luke's inability to provide answers to questions about WorkChoices that the Review put to him.

Read about Harsuyker's decision at:,25197,22856839-12377,00.html

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