
Sunday 2 December 2007

Labour MP Janelle Saffin gets positive reception in her new North Coast electorate

"On Saturday night Janelle Saffin made history as the first female elected to represent the electorate of Page.
So I asked her about being a woman in the male-dominated world of politics.
"A lot of people were very warm about it," she said. "There was just one man, at one market, who said 'I never thought I would see the day a woman would go for Parliament'. There were two young men there and they both jumped in and said: 'Isn't it wonderful. It's about time'."
In Grafton she said people would sing out to her in the street: Go Girl!
"I'm 53," she said. "Go Girl is pretty cool. It could have been Go Grandma. I think maybe it says something about my energy too. You need it for this job."

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