
Sunday 27 January 2008

Australia Day weekend in the Lower Clarence - rain broken by bouts of sunshine

It's been good to see Hughie sending down enough rain to give the Mighty Clarence a full belly, but it's getting rather damp around the house.
La Nina is doing us proud this year.
Parts of the coastal fringe received between 50 to 99mm in the 24 hours up to 9a.m. yesterday morning.
The frog chorus during the evening and night hasn't been this loud in years, and one large green treefrog has taken up residence in one of my gumboots parked outside the door onto the front verandah.
It's a bit rich when even the frogs are looking for somewhere dry.
Keep it coming, Hughie, there's a good fella - but leave enough fine days so that the NSW North Coast doesn't flood again and the beach dunes have time to recover.

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