
Sunday 27 January 2008

Barack Obama casts his net wide

I received this email message from the Obama for America campaign team yesterday.
For some reason the team seems to think I vote in the United States.
For details of the obscene amount of money the US presidential nominees are receiving and spending, go to:
It looks as though Malcolm Turnbull's former business associates at Goldman Sachs are making campaign contributions to a number of the candidates, including Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama.
The email.
"In less than 24 hours, voters in South Carolina will head to the polls.
Before they do, I wanted to show you a bit about what kind of campaign we're running here.
When Michelle and I talked about my running for president, one of the core goals we both had for this campaign was to leave the political process better off than we found it.
Here in South Carolina, a state with a history of some pretty divisive politics, ordinary people have challenged conventional thinking about the process and built a statewide organization based on local community organizing and neighbor-to-neighbor contacts.
Our supporters -- men and women of all ages, races, religions, and backgrounds -- have come together around the idea that we are one people, invested in each other and in our common future.
We've put together a few videos that will give you a sense of what we've built here -- please take a look:
In communities across this state, people who have never been involved in politics before -- or who had given up on what they saw as a broken system -- have built something special.
No matter what the outcome tomorrow, our work here will have a lasting impact on those communities and on the Democratic Party for a long time to come.
We're seeing the same story play out across the country as grassroots supporters in 22 states prepare to cast their votes or turn out to caucus on February 5th.
Remember that tomorrow night, after the votes are in from South Carolina, the playing field will expand dramatically as races in those states come into full focus.
There will be a lot happening, and the intensity will be ratcheted up.
But the spirit of the grassroots organizing we have done here -- of ordinary people taking back the political process -- will be apparent in thousands of communities across the country.
I believe more strongly than ever that this movement for change can do more than just win an election. Together, we can transform this country.
Thank you for being part of this,

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