
Friday 18 January 2008

Australia, the land of the Fair Go

Federal Finance Minister Lindsay Tanner has said a pattern of underspending by government departments is helping him in his task to identify $10 billion in budget savings, and is pledging to cut at least $10 billion from government spending in the next May budget.

I well remember Mr. Tanner talking up the notion of the 'fair go' during the last 12 months.
Let's hope that the Rudd Government's driving desire, to make itself a small target when it faces the Opposition in February, doesn't lead it to go slow on the promised increase in funding for public dental health services or to be tardy in giving Disability Support pensioners that utilities allowance.
There are many people on the NSW North Coast sweating on both these election promises, and let's face it, the combined cost of both is still less than all the middle-class welfare found on the national books.

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