
Thursday 17 January 2008

Labor's Janelle Saffin on the NSW North Coast Next G issue

Federal Labor's Janelle Saffin demonstrates that she is on the ball and up to the job.
"The federal Member for Page, Janelle Saffin, will pressure the Communications Minister to delay shutting down the CDMA network, after complaints about Telstra's new service.
Federal Communications Minister Stephen Conroy is expected to make a decision on a report next week on whether Telstra's Next Generation network is good enough to take over from the old service.
The Senator needs to be satisfied that the new network provides an equivalent or better service before the CDMA network is shut down.
But Ms Saffin says a lot of people on the New South Wales north coast are unhappy with the new service and have complained about bad reception.
"People are saying to me they're not happy with the level of service that they're getting," she said.
"Now to be fair, Telstra has dealt with a lot of them and they've been able to fix them. I've asked the Minister if there's some way that it could be delayed a little bit until all that's sorted out."
Ms. Saffin is right to ask the new Minister for Broadband, Communications and the Digital Economy Stephen Conroy to go slowly.
In the middle of my house in the middle of a middle-sized North Coast town, you can't reliably access Next G. You want any mobile reception - it's a case of go stand out in the middle of the road. Telstra is truly offering a middling service.

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