
Thursday 17 January 2008

Byron Bay locals to put Justine Elliot on the spot over Sea Shepherd incident

"Spokes Person for Byron Whale Action Group and Sea Shepherd member Dean Jefferys said "I will be asking local MP Justine Elliot to intervene and insist that Environment Minister Peter Garrett and Prime Minister Kevin Rudd demand Japan releases their Australian and British hostages."
See post this website:
Less than six weeks since the Rudd Government was sworn in and already things are getting interesting for NSW North Coast federal MPs.

1 comment:

  1. Japanese whale fishing is completely lawful.
    And is completely scientific.
    In addition, it is a Japanese gastronomic culture to eat whales.
    You should refrain from the act of denying the culture of another country.
    watch this video.

    To the person who wants to know why Japan hunts whales

    [DragonBall] Freezer VS Japanese whaling;_ylt=Ap_0uUICejnG3TGasvh8ePvsy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20080204060044AAgG9Cy

    Why do the media of australia tell a lie and censorship?
    if doubt me? Post my comment this URL.,23599,23155612-5007146,00.html


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