
Thursday 24 January 2008

Japan's whalers descend to the ridiculous

It seems that Japan's whalers would even risk appearing ridiculous rather than accept a copy of the Federal Court judgment against them.
Surely, after similar antics when they were formally notified of the International Humane Society's application to the Court, they must realise that they will be considered to have been informed in this instance also.

"Conservation group Humane Society International has hand-delivered last week's
Australian Federal Court order to a Japanese whaling company in Tokyo.
The judgement demands it abandon its whale hunt in Australian waters.
As well as faxing and posting a copy of the Federal Court order, today Nicola
Beynon from the society hand-delivered the document to the head office of the

Japanese whaling company in Tokyo.
"They refused to accept them from us, they said they were aware of the orders
but they weren't accepting them and they handed the package back to us," she said.
"We had to leave the package at their feet and quickly leave the building so they
couldn't throw the package after us, but they told us they would throw the package
away after we had left, which demonstrates their disrespect for Australian law."
ABC News report yesterday:

1 comment:

  1. Japanese whale fishing is completely lawful.
    And is completely scientific.
    In addition, it is a Japanese gastronomic culture to eat whales.
    You should refrain from the act of denying the culture of another country.
    watch this video.

    To the person who wants to know why Japan hunts whales

    [DragonBall] Freezer VS Japanese whaling;_ylt=Ap_0uUICejnG3TGasvh8ePvsy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20080204060044AAgG9Cy

    Why do the media of australia tell a lie and censorship?
    if doubt me? Post my comment this URL.,23599,23155612-5007146,00.html


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