
Thursday 24 January 2008

Jesuits worried that Howard mandarins are capturing new Labor ministers

Last Monday Eureka, an online publication of Jesuit Communications Australia, was airing concerns that Immigration Minister Chris Evans is presenting a "worrying picture of a new minister out of his depth on the sensitive people-smuggling disruption issue, and at risk of policy capture by his department whose present secretary, Andrew Metcalfe, was himself the First Assistant Secretary, Border Control and Compliance Division, in 2000-2001." 
The Jesuits apparently fear that John Howard's policy on refugees will continue and so gave space to author Tony Kevin on the issue.
Labor ministers captured? As far as I can tell, most are being led though the nose like Murphy's bull at present and their staffers are not faring much better. 
The article is interesting enough for me to do one of my rare links.

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