
Wednesday 20 February 2008

North Coast website lands two in gaol

Latest example of 'what not to do' on the Internet can be found here.
The website mentioned is now initially unreachable - "No web site is configured at this address"
However, the dynamic Internet wins again, because this is yet another website which can still be reached and read online courtesy of a large search engine's additional features.
Thereby defeating the aim of those who brought the original legal action and only making more people aware of the website's allegations. 
This rather strange and wayward website is now entering a conspiracy theorists Hall of Fame thanks to the court case.
It probably has more site mentions relating to and quoting the allegedly defamatory material than ever before.
It has always been better known on the NSW North Coast for being able to keep one serious allegation concerning a local politician up on Internet for years without being successfully challenged.


  1. CG, I missed this. Is there any way that you cn give me more info - factual - without getting yourself into trouble?



  2. Sorry Jim,
    No can do - you will notice the careful language used.
    However, the Vic court judgment should be published and is probably up on by now.


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