
Wednesday 20 February 2008

Possum Comitatus and Google Trends on Mr. 9% Nelson

The Leader of the Opposition Brendan Nelson just can't take a trick this week.
He was outed as being interviewed by an ABC Four Corners journalist, but refusing to appear on camera. Thereby earning no points for bravery and a few for stupidity, as most will think he heartily concurred with Abbott, Hockey, Downer etc. and none can disagree with that position.
He miserably failed to find any real dirt on the Prime Minister after repeatedly accusing him of irregularities and falsehoods.
Mid-week Nelson had to accept direction from his shadow cabinet to reverse support for retaining AWAs in any new industrial relations legislation.
Can things get any worse? Of course.
Then he found himself with the worst polling results for preferred prime minister in the recent history of polling.

According to
Possum Comitatus at
"Brendan Nelson has stormed into the worse Preferred Prime Minister result in the history of Newspoll with an astonishing 9%. Not 29%, not 19% -- there be no typos here, it really says 9%.So just how bad is 9%, I hear you ask?
Think of every left handed person you know in the country, not of voting age, just in the country. You would, on average, know more left handed people than you would know people that preferred Brendan Nelson to be the Prime Minister. This is not so bad that you could actually list the names of Brendan Nelson supporters on a moderately sized pamphlet – but it’s getting awfully close."

Surely the week must get better from now on? Don't bet on it.

Today's Google Trends world-wide search terms comparison results for Kevin Rudd and Brendan Nelson over the last 30 days. Nelson is shown by the red line.

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