
Wednesday 24 September 2008

Cansdell crows before a false dawn over Broadcast Operations

Chattering down the tin can all the way to The Big Smoke, I heard that Nationals MP for Clarence Steve Cansdell is walking around the corridors of power with a big grin on his face.
Apparently he thinks that he has pulled a swifty by blatantly interfering in the Clarence Valley local government election campaign and lobbying to have Richie Williamson made shire mayor next Tuesday.

I wonder what Bill Caralis of Broadcast Operations Group thinks of the Nationals plotting to have his 2GF breakfast radio jock made mayor.

Mr. Caralis is on the record with Media Watch as not exactly favouring his employees being directly involved with politics as shown by his response over the Lismore mayoral election.

...should Mr Marks be elected to Council his future tenure at the station will be reviewed by 2LM management.

— Email statement from Bill Caralis (Chairman, Richard River Broadcasters) to Media Watch, 1st September, 2008

Perhaps Stevo should introduce himself to Mr. Caralis and explain just how the perception that a 2GF employee is aligning against Country Labor will not fritter away the fragile value of his company's donations to NSW Labor and other unspecified political donations.

Photo of publicity shy Bill Caralis found in the 2SM radio archives.

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