
Tuesday 30 December 2008

As December draws to a close, a short list of quotes

Some rapes can be of minor effect on the victim.
Queensland Attorney-General Kerry Shine loses his gloss in a radio interview he now supposedly regrets.

I was shocked to read this article and find that none of the quotations bear any resemblance to what I sent in writing to the reporter. I have asked the news agency to remove the article from its website because it grossly misrepresents my written responses to the reporter as shown below.
Nihad Awad
who optimistically expected better after doing an interview with Trend News Agency on modern Islam.

Judas betrayed his friend, Benedict Arnold his country, and now a brightly lit billboard on I-91 in Springfield accuses State Representative Angelo Puppolo of betraying the sanctity of marriage.
Lisa Tanner
, CBS3 Springfield, with an unfortunate turn of phrase concerning the U.S. senator who came out in support of gay marriage.

NCV is in my opinion a slimy piece of dirty gutter risk taking "journalism at its worst".
A not so anonymous reader from Sydney.

If you think anyone is seriously going to consider setting up shop here with a mandatory internet filter and 12Mbit/s residential connections, you need to get out more. I've had friends leave Australia and take their business with them because our speeds are too slow to be remotely competitive. The mere fact that the filter is even on your agenda is spooking the people who aren't rolling on the floor laughing.
Posted by Alex12 on a Rudd Government consultation blog.

"In my view, the magistrate was correct in determining that, in respect of both the commonwealth and the NSW offences, the word 'person' included fictional or imaginary characters ...," the judge said.
And I suspect the Judge might have just inadvertantly granted human rights to cartoon characters.
Neil in Neil Gaiman's Journal on Monday 8 December 2008 on hearing that an Australian court dived fully-robed into a bowl of Fruit Loops.

Stephen Conroy appears to be completely immune to reality - the worse the situation gets, the rosier the picture he paints. Tomorrow he's probably going to come out with a statement that the filter will be powered by unicorns and reduce greenhouse gasses.
Stuart Anderson
commenting via No Internet Censorship for Australia website on the Rudd Government plan to censor the Internet.

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