
Wednesday 31 December 2008

A personal and poltically incorrect list of the leading Aussie idiots and semi-idiots of 2008

For their active support of climate change denialism in the face of evidence that anthromorphic global warming is occurring:

  • Dr John Nicol
  • David Archibald
  • Professor Bob Carter
  • Professor Lance Endersbee
  • Dr David Evans
  • Viv Forbes
  • William Kininmonth
  • John McLean
  • Professor Cliff Ollier
  • Professor Ian Plimer
  • Dr Walter Starck
  • Dr Tom Quirk
  • Tim Blair
  • Andrew Bolt
  • Jennifer Marohasy
Prime examples of their work are highlighted at the denialist website Australian Climate Science Coalition and at Tim Lambert's Deltoid.

For their sheer political ineptitude in Federal Opposition:
  • Malcolm Turnbull
  • Brendan Nelson
  • Julie Bishop
  • Warren Truss
  • Tony Abbott
  • Joe Hockey
  • Wilson Tuckey
  • Alby Shultz
Just read Hansard or search Open Australia for the many examples of why these nongs are ensuring their parties are still so far behind in opinion polls.
My personal favourites were the collective dummy spit after losing government which saw the Coalition Opposition force both the Speaker and Acting-Speaker to suspend the House of Reps and the Tuckey-Shultz boycott of the historic Apology to the Stolen Generation.

Sheer political ineptitude as an individual state MP:
  • Steve Cansdell (Nationals MP for Clarence) - constantly bleating to the media but never actually getting anything done in Macquarie Street.
Sheer political ineptitude as an individual federal MP:
  • Luke Hartsuyker (Nationals MP for Cowper) - the best instances of his performance can be found here and here.
The most disgraceful state government since the Bjelke-Petersen government:
  • The Labor Iemma & Rees governments in New South Wales - enough said!
The most disappointing Rudd Government ministers:
  • Kevin Rudd - failing to actually create policy which will keep his election promises on water security, climate change etc.,
  • Peter Garrett - failing to protect the environment across Australia when large commercial interests are involved and abandoning the whales in Antarctica
  • Stephen Conroy - for being his politically dishonest and prissy self
  • Jenny Macklin - ensuring the former Howard Government's racist policy towards indigenous remote communities continues
  • Julia Gillard - failing to eradicate some of the most contentious elements of the former Howard Government's WorkChoices legislation
The silliest political/lobby group:

  • The Young Liberals - trying to recreate McCarthyism in 2008. A free belly laugh at their expense can be found here.

Most inane blog:

  • Australian Women Online - just read that blog's opinion on Internet filtering and debate here and here.

Most opinionated private citizen:

  • Gerry Harvey - a very wealthy business man who obviously declared himself an expert on both 'no-hoper' welfare recipients, Centrelink payments and charitable donations.

1 comment:

  1. I suspect "The most disgraceful state government since the Bjelke-Petersen government" will get violent disagreement from many.

    I'd vote for Joh Brumby's Vic to win this category.


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