
Wednesday 10 December 2008

The Australian Women Online soap opera drones on

Melodrama in the Discussion Forums

Posted under Site News by Deborah on Sunday 16 November 2008 at 8:33 am

The Discussion Forums became a real life soap opera this week when we discovered we had a couple of drama queens and a spy from another forum in our midst!

It all began two weeks ago when several members of a popular Australian women's forum defected to the AWO Discussion Forums in protest when two of them were banned for life. Suddenly our quiet little forum was over run by forum junkies who spent hours posting messages on topics such as, 'what did you have for dinner?' and 'what's the last thing you brought?' Not really the kind of thing we were use to discussing. But I have to admit that initially we were thrilled to have such an influx of new members in the forums. We had been struggling to attract new members to the Discussion Forums since it opened in May and even though the topic threads were lacking in substance, there was a lot of activity going on and it was quite exciting to see the message boards finally coming to life.

But right from the start I had my reservations about this group of women. Firstly, they all knew each other from another forum and often talked amongst themselves to the exclusion of others. Secondly, it soon became apparent that a few of them were carrying a lot of emotional baggage from what had transpired on the other forum. Thirdly, the group wanted to make some major changes to the AWO Discussion Forums which were contrary to our existing policy of running an open forum where there is no hierarchy of membership. And last but certainly not least, the ring leader was a major drama queen!

Shortly after their arrival another woman joined the forums who said she was from a non English speaking background. My AWO business partner and co-administrator of the forums, Danielle Hutchinson was the first to notice something wasn't quite right there. This woman claimed to be from a non English speaking background and yet the messages she posted on the forum were not consistent with her story. Danielle suspected she was from the other forum sent to spy on our new members, but I told her to just monitor the situation because we didn't want to make this type of accusation unless we were sure.

As I said the ring leader of the new members was a drama queen and when I moved some of the chat threads out of the Members Only Area to the General Chat, she threw a huge tantrum which culminated in her and two others setting up a new forum on their own. I had no problem with that until they used the private message feature on the AWO Discussion Forums to recruit members for their new forum, including one of our moderators. It was at this point the 'spy' decided to blow her own cover posting a message on the forums that only antagonised the whole situation even further. It was really quite ridiculous, a group of grown women throwing tantrums and personally attacking each other on the message boards.

Danielle and myself were finally able to calm everybody down and a few of the new members did decide to leave us. Unfortunately, the drama queen wasn't one of them and when she returned to the forums after an absence of one week, most of the remaining members deserted us - now it's more like a ghost town than a lively discussion forum.

In the middle of all of this, a few men who had objected to what I had to say on the issue of ISP filtering joined the forums just so they could argue with me about it. At one point I had to lock all new member registrations just to keep these guys out because I feared the Discussion Forums would become the battle ground for the debate on ISP filtering. Between these guys and the dramas queens previously mentioned, I tell you the soap operas on TV have nothing on the melodrama that is played out in online forums!

Poor Debs. Totally clueless and intent on being chief censor as well as managerial bottlewasher - she blames everyone else for erratic forum numbers and doesn't realise that, if she can't roll with the punches in any debate, AWO will be deserted whenever she arbitrarily locks comment (or commentators based on gender, opinion etc.) out.
I don't know of anyone who wholeheartedly relishes criticism, but unless one is willing to take it any blog (no matter how genuine or otherwise) will wither on the vine.
Australian Women Online may only survive as a pale imitation of The Women's Weekly circa 1950 is Debs keeps this up.
She may be able to survive on knitting patterns, recipes and advice to the lovelorn - I'm not sure many other readers will.

AWO forums which appear to have survived Deb's red pen can be reached here.


  1. She is completely unable to handle different opinions, whether on trivial issues like new members joining, or on serious issues like the ISP filter.

    Read this thread on the mandatory ISP filter only if you want to bash your head against a brick -- or join in. A disgrace to all Australian Women.

  2. OMG, that link was too painful for words - a blog into a love affair with ISP filtering and Conroy over 15 tedious pages.
    Think I'll easy the pain by hitting my forehead on the concrete and mashing my thumbs in a vice!
    AWO must be the Minister's favourite bedtime reading right now, as it is the only site as consistently daft as he is.


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