
Wednesday 10 December 2008

Populate and Perish

Successive Australian Governments have pushed the immigration barrow as an economical necessity. This claim is baseless.
There is no evidence that Australia’s current immigration policy is doing anything for the economic growth of this country.
In 1907, with a population of less than four million, Australians were the wealthiest people on earth. Now we don’t even rate in the world’s top ten.
Since the early 50’s, Australia’s population has increased by fifteen million people, an unsustainable figure in view of the problems that have developed in the Murray/Darling basin.
The withholding of water to irrigate crops in that area, in the Governments own words, will be devastating for consumers, farmers and the Australian economy.
This development should act as a warning for all Australians as we begin to pay for pushing our fragile country beyond its limits.
Australia is an arid, mostly semi-desert country with poor soils and an unreliable climate.
A United Nations report on sustainable land usage stated that Australia could adequately support a population of no more than fifteen million people.
In total disregard for this report, politicians are boasting that Australia’s population is expected to reach thirty-five million by 2050.
With our capital cities turning into congested ghettoes, and our Nation’s food bowl ruined by over production, droughts and ever increasing water shortages, how can we support a population increase of this magnitude?
The only way Australia will avert a potential calamity is to cap her population at the current twenty-one million people and implement a policy of zero population growth.
We must significantly improve our education facilities and job training programs so we can maintain an adequate skilled labour force and, we must introduce genuine incentives that will reduce this country’s brain drain.
We should also put an end to the one-way, open door policy with our near neighbours.
On the world scene an alarming report from the United Nations states that the world’s population could double to a staggering, twelve billion in fifty years.
This is a frightening statistic when you consider that in 2008, an estimated one billion people go hungry every day.
It’s inevitable, therefore, that unless we control our rampant population growth, our world as we know it today, will not survive beyond the next millennium.

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