
Sunday 7 December 2008

The Nationals are revolting!

We've seen how Truffles Turnbull has managed to turn a positive outlook pear-shaped before now.
The last attempt to get a republic up and running being a case in point.
So it did nothing but place a silly grin on my phiz when I read that Turnbull was at it again, and that the Nationals (supported by the Libs) were revolting against his political stage direction.

Kicking over the traces on cabon sinks and infrastructure.

An unnamed Coalition senator unburdening to The Australian placed a finger on the problem:
‘’He’s trying to run things too much like a business, giving out an order like a CEO and then expecting it to be followed,’’.

What all this shows is that his colleagues have finally woken up to the fact that there is nothing for which Truffles will die in a ditch, unless it affects his own ego or personal income.
And someone has to be prepared to contemplate dying in that metaphorical ditch, if rural and regional Australia (and areas like the Northern Rivers) are going to avoid being shoved aside by the big cities and their sprawling suburbia.

So the last word goes to the Nationals Senator Boswell:
“Last night’s Senate vote shows that rural Australia remains a force to be reckoned with on the national political stage,”“Those who ignore the interests of the bush will pay a political price."

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