
Saturday 6 December 2008

Saturday's look at 2008 JADA art acquisitions

John Philippides has taken out the major prize with his drawing entitled Portrait 2. The work is a portrait of the artist’s mother who has been the subject of many of John’s works. The artist lives and works from his home at Leura in the Blue Mountains of NSW.

The $15,00 in acquisitions were Peter Bellew, Tuncester Track, Godwin Bradbeer, Man in a Squared Space, Sussie Heymans, Sequence, Anne Judell, Zone and Gosia Wlodarczak, Crumpled.

The winning work and acquisitions will join the Grafton Regional Gallery JADA Collection which contains an impressive selection of Australian drawing and is added to exclusively through the award every two years. This years winner also has the added prestige of winning the award on its 20th anniversary.
JADA will be on exhibition from 24 October to 5 December at the Gallery followed by a tour to eight regional and metropolitan galleries throughout 2009 and in early 2010.

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