
Monday 19 January 2009

And then I woke up screaming...............

Gawd struth!
Because John Winston Howard did not have the good grace to go quietly into retirement, is constantly touting for international testimonials to his political acumen, is always popping up in the media to offer gratuitous advice and let it be known that he still feels like Teh Leader - I have this recurring nightmare.
I dream that il grande fascista has a long discussion with Hyacinth and the kids and calls a press conference where (flanked by Tony Abbott) he announces he is going to stand for parliament again.

1 comment:

  1. Howard, Blair, and in two more days, Bush...all gone, but now the job is to try to clean up the mess and overcome the despicable legacy of moral slime the three of them left behind. Howard's departure was the greatest though, losing government and his own seat at the same election which will become the defining comment on him in the history books. He ended up like a clown, but a nasty one at that....


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