
Sunday 18 January 2009

Stephen Conroy's all a-Twitter

Screenshot from PerthNorg

The Minister for Broadband, Communications and the Digital Economy, Stephen Conroy, has an alter-ego on Twitter.

His profile reads like a strange phantasy.

Bio I'm a 45 year old politician who'll do anything to please you, baby. Don't worry girl, I gots "protection", and it'll degrade my performance all night long...

This other 'Stephen' was having a little fun at the Senator's expense this last week:

Today I received an I-Phone. The IT people tell me that it is biometrically activated, but no matter how much I lick it, it won't turn on. from web

stephenconroy Working on a form letter to send in response to the form letter Mark Newton and his seditionist allies have been sending.

stephenconroy Talking to a Nigerian ISV about IP filtering. Apparently _they'll_ pay _us_ to use it, all they need is the Federal Reserve's account number

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