
Sunday 11 April 2010

Burger Off! The Westlawn Group Shame File

Every big developer operating in Australia, particularly foreign multinationals, has an enabler.
Sometimes in is the federal or state government of the day, some times local government or a landowner, sometimes a paid lobbyist and, sometimes it is all five.

The McDonald's Australia Ltd move to establish a 24 hour drive-through and eat-in fast food outlet in the small coastal town of Yamba at the mouth of the Clarence River is probably being eased into being by three out of five of these categories.

Professional Public Relations Pty Ltd (PPR) continues to support the fast food giant's image and lobby government on its behalf.
Almost every Clarence Valley shire councillor who has bothered to make a statement in relation to the development application has opened the door wide enough for later weasel-worded retreats and a vote for this highly inappropriate proposal and, Clarence Property Corporation Ltd (part of the Westlawn Group) as owner/manager of the land to be developed is quite happily supporting McDonald's.

Now in this day and age it is hard to shield individuals having control of land behind a corporation blind. Indeed its the fashion these days for them to trumpet their identities.

So here are the men responsible for allowing McDonald's a foot in the door in a town in which many of the residents are opposed to this glorified hamburger joint's entry:

Peter Fahey Executive Managing Director
James Dougherty Non-Executive Chairman
Geoffrey Shepherd Non-Executive Director
Michael Dougherty Non-Executive Director
Peter Burge
Portfolio Services Director
Paul Rippon Chief Financial Officer & Company Secretary

It is doubtful that McDonald's Australia would be proceeding this year if it were not for these individuals (who can justifiably be described as predominantly out-of-towners) placing the company's bottom line above the best interests of a coastal community.

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