
Sunday 11 April 2010

Watching Kevin Rudd disembowel himself with a spoon......

Watching successful Kevin 07, who almost couldn't put a foot wrong during the Australian 2007 federal election campaign, decide to water down or abandon everything that led to his team winning government is like watching someone try to disembowel themselves with a blunt object.
Painful, ineffectual and very disconcerting for an audience who has to vote again this year.
Last week's abdominal scoop was refugees or asylum seekers from Sri Lanka and Afghanistan and in the process the Rudd Labor Government invited unfortunate comparisons with the ardent 'furriner' hating Howard Government
Peter Martin posted this government document laying out the entire rationale for so major a door slam.
That this is purely a move to stem the flow of boat people (as opposed to all those Pommie and Kiwi illegal immigrants who originally came on tourist visas) rather than simply a re-assessment of the situation in Sri Lanka or Afghanistan is seen in threats to de-register remittance dealers if they allowed cash transfers to people smugglers and the creation of yet another intelligence agency:
"A tough new regulatory regime will provide powers to de-register remittance dealers that facilitate access to funds for people smuggling ventures and other unlawful activities, including money laundering.
These new powers will be administered by the CEO of the Australian Transaction Reports and Analysis Centre (AUSTRAC).
Remittance dealers accept cash, cheques and other forms of payment in one location and arrange the payment of an equivalent amount of cash or value to someone in another location, usually overseas.
Remittance dealers range from global money transfer businesses and their franchisees and agents (e.g. Western Union, Australia Post), to smaller ethnic community-based
AUSTRAC estimates that there are around 6,500 remittance dealers operating
in Australia.
Australian law enforcement authorities are aware that international cash transfer services provided by remittance dealers can be used to pay the organisers of smuggling ventures........
"The Government will provide $14.5 million over four years to establish a new Criminal Intelligence Fusion Centre to provide new capabilities to detect and prevent organised crime, including people smuggling and related activities"

1 comment:

  1. 'Australian law enforcement authorities are aware that international cash transfer services provided by remittance dealers can be used to pay the organisers of smuggling ventures.'

    Wow, who would of known? You mean Western Union doesn't ask what the money is for? Thank god the boys in blue are awake to these scams.


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