
Saturday 19 June 2010

For those who just can't keep away from politics on a Saturday night: NSW Penrith by-election links

Antony Green

On Saturday night {tonight} I will be providing full analysis of the Penrith by-election results. Tune in after 6pm on Saturday night at for analysis of the results, including detailed booth by booth analysis.

I will also be twittering results using the #penrith tag from @AntonyGreenABC, probably being repeated by @ABCNews and @ABCElections.

The Liberal Party needs a swing of 9.2% to win Penrith, larger than the swing it needs to win next March's state election. Will we see a repeat of the Cabramatta and Ryde by-elections in 2008 when there were swings of more than 20%? If we do, it will confirm the deep antipathy by the electorate towards the current state government.

Larvatus Prodeo

The first by-election since Kristina Keneally became NSW Premier will be held {today}, for the seat of Penrith, vacated by Karyn Paluzzano after she admitted lying to ICAC over irregular payments of staff allowances.....

This is an open thread for predictions, links, reports and analysis.

William Bowe has some further interesting background at The Poll Bludger.

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