
Sunday 20 June 2010

Page's Saffin nails Cowper's Hartsuyker in the perennial Labor versus Nats battle

Right on, Janelle! That poor excuse for a bill and the much-touted petition were always an embarrassment.
Everyone knew from past experience that the flying foxes would move on long before these would be considered - that working towards long term goals was the way to go if their seasonal return was to be made less of a problem for Maclean High School and nearby houses.
Hartsuyker didn't even bother tabling the petition until after the House of Reps adjourned at 7.30pm on 16th June 2010.
While his private member's bill very predictably sank without a trace after its
introduction on 15th March.

1 comment:

  1. Anyone who expects Luke Hartsuyker to be anything more than a puppet for the Big Money Oligarchy is pissing into the wind. he's there to con his electorate, not to be of service to them. His agenda has nothing to do with the interests of the people of Cowper. But how long is it going to take before those who vote for him wake up to themselves?


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