
Saturday 3 July 2010

How sweet it is watching Howard bark his shins

How sweet it is watching former Oz prime minister John Howard bark his shins against the reality of his personal and political reputation.
L'l Johnnie wonders aloud about the unfairness of being refused the vice presidency of the International Cricket Council - he doesn't for the life of him understand why he has been rejected.
Gar'n John!
Even in your own country you have a dodgy reputation as a closet racist.
Some of your fellow countrymen even laid complaints at The Hague alleging that you're a war criminal {first was by a Melbourne-based academic and in 2008 by a group}.
Besides which mate - you're a fair dinkum pie chucker.

Cartoon displayed at Google Images


  1. I suppose the ICC's explanation might be that they decide who runs the game and the circumstances under which they are appointed.

    I believe that Bush, Blair and Howard genuinely have no idea how deeply they are loathed around the world.

  2. there is no douby that howard was an evil nasty man i am delighted to see that the world knows this fact


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