
Friday 2 July 2010

Telstra's telephonic logic


During the telephone outage that hit the Clarence Valley last week I used my mobile phone to contact the faults number and report the problem.


When I finally got to talk to a human I gave them my mobile number and warned them that since reception on that phone is intermittent the conversation could be cut off at any point.

They suggested that I could use a computer to fault register; not very convenient when the only connection you have is dial-up.


I managed to report the fault but half way through confirming my identity the phone cut out. Since they did not ring back I thought that the fault was registered.


It was mid-day the next day before the landline worked and it surprised me to find a message on the phone that I reported faulty asking me to call back so Telstra could confirm the fault report.


All this made me question the intelligence of people who work for Telstra.

I think I may invest in some homing pigeons - much less complicated, more reliable and if the worst happens at least I can make pigeon pie.

1 comment:

  1. if you think telstra are brainless you wanna try nambucca council nasty nasty people who have no idea about public relations


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