
Saturday 2 October 2010

First words in the Forty-Third Australian Parliament that Tony Abbott may repudiate

Somehow I suspect that these words may be some of the first Opposition Leader Tony Abbott will repudiate in the Forty-Third Commonwealth Parliament:

Mr Speaker, you are the custodian of the traditions of this parliament. You are the custodian of the rights of members. You are no longer a creature of party. You are no longer the creature of the executive. You are now free to be in this parliament everything that a Westminster style Speaker should be. This is your time, Mr Speaker, and I know you will use it in the best interests of this parliament and this nation.

A far cry from this previous statement by Abbott on 22 February 2008:

Mr Speaker, you are acting dishonourably.

Which may in part explain the constrained look (hinting at barely restrained annoyance) on the Speaker's face, on the first sitting day since the August 2010 general election, as Abbott proclaimed:

Mr Speaker, I never wavered in my faith that you were the best person for the job that you hold. There were weeks when others doubted. There were weeks when you must have doubted yourself what was going to emerge from this parliament. But I was with you every step of the way. I was there, I was your true friend......

Although it is more likely that the reason for this apparent coolness towards Abbott may be found in Jenkins' remark after his re-election as Speaker:

It is true to say that it has been an interesting period over the last few weeks, and you get to acknowledge those that are close to you, both family and friends. At some stage, perhaps, the true story of the last few weeks will be aired.......

As for future interaction in the House of Representatives between this pair, perhaps one should look to the past. Harry Jenkins or his deputy removed Abbott from the House during the Forty-Second Parliament at least thrice and he was requested to resume his seat on occasions too numerous to mention. One has to wonder how long it will be before he tries The Speaker's patience during this particular parliament.

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