
Saturday 2 October 2010

Teh Drum woz wrung! Poodle doesn't win 'most loathed' prize

The Sydney Morning Herald poll early yesterday evening

Aunty ABC has been getting her knickers in a knot because Marieke Hardy over at The Drum online decided to presume that "there is nobody in the entire world who is loathed by Australia more than Christopher Pyne".
Of course Aunty should apologise to "Poodle' Pyne for getting its facts wrong.
He's only the second-most loathed person in Australia! After Andrew Bolt or Alan Jones on any given day and when the wind is blowing in from the west.
Here's editor Jonathan Green disappearing up his own nether regions in an effort to avoid whatever fall-out he imagines might come his way:
"On Monday I approved a piece by Marieke Hardy titled The Pyne experiments. I was wrong to do that.
Marieke is a very talented writer ... we value her contributions. Drum readers love her too, regularly making her Monday columns among our top 10 pieces for any given week.
I feel I let her down this time, because the assault on Christopher Pyne she filed this week was not on a par with the main body of her work. It was not up to her standards, and failed to meet the standards for argument and well-thought opinion we try to maintain on this site. As her editor I should have told her that and pulled the piece.
We’ve dropped it from our site now, and we take this opportunity to apologise to Christopher Pyne for both the attack and for its deeply personal nature. There is no formal pressure on us to do this, but we think it’s the right thing to do.
Mistakes happen in daily publishing. Sometimes things see the light of day that on reflection ought more properly have been cut, re-written or dropped altogether. I take the view that while it’s regrettable to make the error in the first place, it’s never too late to both apologise and do what you can to correct the situation.
Jonathan Green"

1 comment:

  1. i agree alan jones is a complete dick and pyne is just a total fuckwit but sometimes i look at andrew bolt and think there is a little glimmer of hope and he might come to his senses


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