
Monday 21 November 2011

Spot the errors in Teh Daily Terror

One has to wonder why The Daily Telegraph journalist, Barclay Crawford, didn’t bother to check a couple of basic facts on Saturday night – Peter Ellem has not worked as an editor/journalist since 2008, Colin Clague stood as the endorsed Labor candidate in March 2011 and at the time these newspaper articles were being composed the swing to Labor on a two candidate preferred basis was +16.3 (+17.9 on first preference votes) by Antony Green’s final calculations on election night.
Perhaps Mr. Crawford was foolishly relying on the veracity of information supplied by the NSW North Coast Nationals? Never a good idea not to double check those media releases or helpful emails from vested interests.
Here in the regions we prefer our news to be accurate.

Nationals set to retain Clarence

Chris Gulaptis, a former mayor and federal candidate for the Nationals, was expected to enter state parliament with a convincing win in the Clarence by-election yesterday.
But the Labor Party was buoyed by a big swing in votes for its candidate, local newspaper editor Peter Ellem.
Mr Ellem campaigned hard on claims the O'Farrell government wanted to privatise electricity and the Grafton jail, and attacked the government over its decision to cut the death and disability scheme for police.
The Nationals, who retained the seat easily, said the swing to Labor was expected because the party did not contest the last state election, instead backing an independent candidate.
Nationals' leader and deputy premier Andrew Stoner was campaigning in Clarence yesterday, as was Opposition leader John Robertson.
The by-election was prompted by the resignation from parliament of Steve Cansdell, after he admitted he lied to avoid a speeding fine…….

Nationals win despite swing to Labor

CHRIS Gulaptis, a former mayor and federal candidate for the Nationals, will enter state parliament with a convincing win in the Clarence by-election yesterday, despite a solid swing of about 15 per cent for the Labor Party.

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