
Monday 21 November 2011

Tragedy at Sandon

A majestic coastline
With a sandy beach
Gently caressed
By waves of white and blue.
A precious home
For shorebirds.
A coastal feeding,
Nestling, roosting treasure.
A lifeline,
A chance to avoid extinction
For an endangered fellow creature,
The pied oyster catcher.
Sandon, October 7.
Its sandy beach
Becomes a "highway"
An intruding 4WD.
Its driver
Indifferent and cruel
Sees an oyster catcher
And deliberately swerves
To hit it.
The 4WD continues on,
No thought of stopping
While the oyster catcher
Lies injued, in agony,
A wing badly broken.
To the stricken bird
NPWS carers come.
They strive to save it,
They do their utmost
But all in vain - the oyster catcher dies.
Our Earth community,
Its future is in the balance.
All life is important -
A supreme message - 
But, for some people ignored.
Stan Mussared

Sourced from CVCC's Voices from the Earth,
published in The Daily Examiner, 21/11/11

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