
Wednesday 20 June 2012

The Australian Bureau of Statistics intends to supply hours of fun on the NSW North Coast in 2016

This is what the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) told the nation in 2011:

This is what the ABS told The Sydney Morning Herald in 2012 about the next national census:

Oh my goodness! Of course I promise to keep a suitably upgraded home PC and Internet connection no matter how expensive that becomes and, yes I’ll go online and type in the circumstances of my life and income. What fun to be personally available to nasty or just plain curious hackers in this way – along with my assigned password details and IP address.

However, by 2016 I along with many of my friends and neighbours will be that much older and perhaps a little more forgetful. We may just decide that negotiating an online survey is now too difficult. There will be little in the way of departmental budgetary savings flowing from us I suspect.

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