
Wednesday 20 June 2012

Bazza gets it in the neck from Anne the Voter

One voter from somewhere outside Sydney gets all shouty on NSW Premier Barry O’Farrell’s official Facebook page on Friday 15th June 2012:

Anne Taylor

Mr O'Farrell

Your Government is doing nothing to help the most Vulnerable in our Community being Tenants in Public Housing.

Tenants who live in a Separate House have to pay for a Full Water Bill compared to Private Renters who only pay the for the Excess Water they use. There is No Concession and you don't even get The Actual Water Bill from Sydney Water to show you how much a Tenant has actually Used ! Instead Tenants rely on The Department Of Housing to tell them as there is No Proof at all, which means Dept. Of Housing could make any figure up !
I am sure Mr O'Farrell you would want proof of a Bill if you paid for it ?????
Tenants are living in Public Housing because they can not afford Private Rental But they are paying higher Water Costs than Private Renters ! Maybe your Minister Prue Goward should be aware of all this !!!

Now your going to put Rents up again ! Because The Federal Government will give people/Families some extra money to help with the Carbon Tax. One Department gives it out and you guys take it Back !!! Your Party Is a Disgrace !!

You are just keep taking money away all the time from the Battlers instead of giving them some extra help. Why don't you cut some of your Bureaucrats to help cut Costs. There are plenty of them not doing their Jobs properly !

I have a Daughter with Down Syndrome and a large Beautiful Family to look after and Like others have enough on my plate, worrying about the cost of living going up, Bills and now The Electricity ! Without you guys Stressing Tenants all the time and just " Money Grabbing" at whatever you can get !!

Wake Up To Yourselves ! Mr O'Farrell Remember TENANTS VOTE AS WELL and a lot are NOT HAPPY as some were also Effected by your Stupid Education Minister who Stuffed up the Special Needs Transport for Kids with Disabilities getting to School.

Another Slap In The Face By Your Government to the Most Vulnerable !! I am sure yourself and other Politicians would not like Cut Backs on your Big Fat Pensions when you all leave your Posts !
What goes around, Comes around Mr O'Farrell and when the next Election Comes, myself and a lot of others will be giving your Party the Pea Beu fly spray to FLICK Off !! !!

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