
Friday 24 August 2012

Clarence Valley Council Election 2012 Candidate Scorecard: Week Three

Candidates standing for the nine councillor positions at the 8 September 2012 Clarence Valley Local Government Election are being rated on their individual campaigns to win over voters.

The score range is -10 to 10. Every candidate starts at zero (0)

Scoring began in the week ending 10 August 2012.

This week its all about fronting the forums and what candidates told the local media which affect the score.

Name        Designation         Running Score

Rod Morrison Independent 0.5 + 1 + 0.5  = 2 this candidate increased his score by attending the Maclean and Grafton meet the candidates forums (1) with a little extra on the side for his commitment to his village.

Margot Scott Independent 1 + 1 + -0.5 = 1.5 Margot scores for attending the Maclean and Grafton meet the candidates forums (1). However she also whittles away at her score with a hint that underneath the campaign rhetoric this inexperienced newcomer thinks local government is really just about roads, rats and rubbish.

Paul Parkinson  -5 + 1 + -3 + -3 = -10 this candidate scored for attending Maclean and Grafton meet the candidates forums (1)  but left many open-mouthed when he stated that he couldn’t make any election promises as there was no way of knowing what Clarence Valley Council’s budget was like – completely ignoring the fact that he can inspect budget papers going back years online or at council chambers (-3). More points went when he displayed a defeatism which appears to indicate a reluctance to fully support Clarence Valley communities' stand against coal seam gas mining (-3)

Craig Howe Independent 0.6 + 1 = 1.6 Craig’s score increased because he attended Maclean and Grafton meet the candidates forums (1), however it is hard to forget the many times he voted for developers over the objections of local communities.

Andrew Baker Independent 0 + -10 = -10 this candidate excelled himself during the week by failing to give any undertaking that he would support Clarence Valley communities (-4) and for expecting voters to accept that a man - who as a director and major shareholder allowed two companies to rack up what sounds like millions of dollars in debt until the bank called in the receiver – should be allowed anywhere near the local government annual budget (-4). While he wasted the time of every voter at the Maclean meet the candidates forum as he trailed an imaginary broken wing (-2).

Ursula Tunks Independent 2 + 1 = 3 Ursula moved up the scoreboard for attending Maclean and Grafton meet the candidates forums (1). She doesn’t increase her score beyond that because this week she denied she was an Independent and instead described herself as “party-less” - which begs the question as to which political party she may next decide to join.

Joy de Roos  -1 + 1 = 2 added to her score by attending Maclean and Grafton meet the candidates forums (1).

Jim Simmons Independent 0 + 1 + 1 = 2 gained for attending Maclean and Grafton meet the candidates forums (1) and with a long history as a councillor putting some of the new to local government candidates to shame by comparison.

Greg Clancy Independent 3.5 + 1 + 2 = 6.5 this candidate increased his score again this week. Firstly for his attendance at the Maclean and Grafton meet the candidates forums (1) and secondly because he is the only new candidate who truly understands the relationship between a healthy environment, sustainable infrastructure and a viable economy (2).

Jane Beeby Independent -3 + 1 + -2 = -4  this candidate both won and lost points this week. She attended the Maclean and Grafton meet the candidates forums (1), however the alleged vague conspiracy against herself she expounds rather than honestly explaining her anti- vaccination stance continues to worry some voters (-2) . Which is somewhat of a pity as she has taken an anti-coal seam gas stance.

Sue Hughes Independent 2.5 + 1 + 2 = 5.5 her score grows as she attended the Maclean and Grafton meet the candidates forums (1) and, in doing so, reminded residents that she has come through for the Valley with regard to moving a successful resolution against coal seam gas exploration before impacts from this type of mining are known and other votes in the Chamber.

Karen Toms 2.5 + 1 + 2 + 1 = 6.5 increased her running score by attending the Maclean and Grafton meet the candidates forums (1) and, in doing so, reminded voters that she has always been good value for local communities (2). She earns an additional point for calmly campaigning no matter what stumbling blocks are placed in her path by ill wishers hinted at in The Daily Examiner online comments (1).
Michael McIvor Independent 1 + 1 = 2 this candidate remains a bit of a dark horse who attempts to explain himself in slogans and clichés. So although he adds to his score for attending the Maclean and Grafton meet the candidates forums (1) that is the only positive, which sadly is offset by his fairly high opinion of his own untested capabilities.

Jeremy Challacombe Independent -1 + 1 + -3 = -3 he scores for attending the Maclean and Grafton meet the candidates forums (1) but loses points for those stale ideas and for continuing to pretend that being a senior member and office bearer of the NSW Nationals will not politicize his position on Council if elected (-3).  It didn't assist his candidature to find local media reporting that he had been caught breaking CVC rules for farmers'  markets by having campaign literature displayed on his own produce stall. What else can be said about a candidate who thinks in two-word slogans?

Richie Williamson 2 + 1 0.5  = 2.5 Richie scores for attending the Maclean and Grafton meet the candidates forums (1). He only loses half a  point this week for pretending he doesn’t have political ambitions which potentially affect his attitude as Mayor and councillor – simply because most of the election field is so abysmal that this classic fence sitter’s time in local government  is beginning to look rosy by comparison.

Margaret McKenna Independent -2 + 1 + -2 = -3 scored for attending the Maclean and Grafton meet the candidates forums (1). However, Margaret lost what had been gained by pretending that she actually gave a hoot about the badly planned West Yamba re-zoning. When she has been quite happy to go along with private developers virtually creating the draft Development Control Plan for that same urban expansion, after previously voting in 2009 for that joke of a Yamba Floodplain Risk Management Study and Plan which had to be endorsed so that the West Yamba Local Environmental Plan could be passed as approved on the same day (-2).

Jason Kingsley Independent 1 + 1 = 2 this candidate talks easily but in the end says very little. He slowly increases his score on the basis of attendance at the Maclean and Grafton meet the candidates forums (1).

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