
Friday 24 August 2012

Shame, Mr Editor, shame!

Mangling the Queen's English: a case study
 In an opinion piece in this week's Coastal Views the editor, Graham Orams, has shown he prefers incorrect spoken English rather than correct written English.

Orams was writing about Prince Harry (the subject matter doesn't warrant mentioning here) when he wrote, "Actually, if I really had of said that I would probably be writing Coastal Comment from the comfort of a hospital bed."

Orams hedged his bets with his next paragraph and wrote "Instead, I think I may have said something like "What about me, sweetie; don't you find me sexie? Well, don't you?""

An editor he might be, a wordsmith he ain't.

Who edits the editor?

1 comment:

  1. The man has always been barely literate, frequently sexist and often badly uninformed. He's the reason I don't bother to open the Coastal Views anymore.


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