
Tuesday 13 November 2012

"I suspect it may be dawning on a few white men as I write this that giving women the vote was a seriously bad idea."

Jane Caro at Crikey 9 November 2012:
Barack Obama won 55% of the female vote, meaning it was women who decided this year's presidential election. Politicians who refuse to take women's concerns and freedoms seriously are now on notice.
I suspect it may be dawning on a few white men as I write this that giving women the vote was a seriously bad idea.
Suddenly the constituency that used to rule the world — because they ruled America — are getting a sense of just what it feels like to be a minority group. And I don't think they like it much.
According to numbers that are being crunched as I write, Barack Obama outpolled Mitt Romney in every group except older white men. Based on these admittedly preliminary figures, the President won 55% of the female vote, 93% of the African American vote and 71% of the Latino vote. He also outpolled Romney in every age group up to 45 and won the votes of most Americans who live in cities.
But if these early figures are correct, it is women who have really decided this election. That's because they are 53% of the population, while blacks are 13%, Latinos 10% and Asians 3%. Even younger people only add up to 46% of the American population.
In other words, women voters in the US have become the kingmakers and let's hope one day soon, the queenmakers.

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