
Tuesday 13 November 2012

"A dog ate my policies and here is a note from my mum" - men don't get Tones either

1. “So the Abbotts fight over the telly on a Sunday night, she for footy, he for Downton Abbey. First, with their combined income surely they have at least two televisions in their home; second, there is no football on Sunday night at 8.30. Spin, spin.” {Kevin O'Rourke of Goonellabah in The Sydney Morning Herald on 8th October 2012}
2. “Tony Abbott knows his leadership is terminal so he calls in the missus to spruik his "feminine side". What next? "A dog ate my policies and here is a note from my mum"? {Bob Torrens of  East Ballina in The Sydney Morning Herald on the same day}
3. "Tony Abbott’s approval rating has dropped over the last month. 33% (down 4%) approve of the job Tony Abbott is doing as Opposition Leader and 58% (up 4%) disapprove – a change in net rating from -17 to -25 over the last 4 weeks. This is Tony Abbott’s lowest rating since he became Opposition Leader.
65% (down 9%) of Coalition voters approve and 29% (up 7%) disapprove.
By gender – men 36% approve/56% disapprove, women 29% approve/59% disapprove. In net terms this represents a decline with men from -16 to -20 and with women from -19 to -30." {Essential Report 12th November 2012}

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