
Monday 12 November 2012

In which Clarence Valley Council Management politely suggests that Democracy and Elected Members of Council pee off

There is a hidden battle to save local government democracy underway in the Clarence Valley as I write. With a number of councillors supporting democracy and council management supporting rule by bureaucracy. 
(Crs Simmons/Williamson)
A report be put before the November 2012 meeting to enable a review of all of the
authorities, other than those empowered by statute, delegated by Council to the General Manager.
Voting recorded as follows:
For: Councillors Williamson, Baker, Challacombe, Howe, Hughes, Kingsley,
McKenna, Simmons and Toms
Against: Nil…..
The decision not to report this application to Council rested with the Manager Development Services. In making that decision he considered that the objections were either unsubstantiated (loss of property value, not slab on ground brick and tile and loss of views) or could be conditioned satisfactorily (privacy).
Perspective is required in making such decisions.
Councillors would be aware that the proposals under the Green paper issued by the State Government in July 2012 is that Councillors’ involvement in decision making on DA’s encourages Councils to reduce their involvement in the DA decision making process and the Minister publically stated his preferred view is that the political arm of Council should not be involved in DA decisions.
Council submitted a contrary view to this in its submission to the Minister at the August meeting.
[my red bolding]
Excerpt from the Business Paper of the Civil & Corporate Committee Meeting scheduled for 13 November 2012:

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