
Saturday 23 March 2013

Earth Hour challenge from Clarence Valley Council Mayor

The NSW North Coast has an estimated 80,000> small-scale roof top solar systems installed on buildings/homes in the region – making it an area with a strong commitment to renewable energy.

Clarence Valley Mayor Richie Williamson would like everyone to make an extra effort to reduce electricity consumption tonight and, those still  without solar power to consider switching to renewable energy.

Mayor: Richie Williamson
General Manager: Scott Greensill                                                                  
22 March 2013

Earth Hour challenge from the Mayor

On Saturday 23 March from 8.30pm to 9.30pm, hundreds of millions of people around the world will again unite for one hour – Earth Hour – as a symbolic expression of concern for the environment and the future of our planet.

"The Clarence Valley area is already a leader at the forefront of the renewables revolution. This Earth Hour, the goal is to bring renewable energy to the top of our minds with the 'Switch to Renewables' campaign"  Mayor Richie Williamson said.
Via the Earth Hour website, Australians are being asked to 'pledge to switch' or register as 'already switched' to renewable energy.

"In 2013 we'd like to see a 12% or greater reduction in energy consumption during Earth Hour in the Clarence!  All households, communities and businesses are urged to switch off their non-essential lighting and appliances during Earth Hour, and consider adopting these practices from now on" Mayor Richie Williamson said.

"Earth Hour illustrates how simple it is for each of us to take action against global warming.

We look forward to another successful Earth Hour, making a big difference in just one hour".

Release ends.

Authorised by: Richie Williamson Mayor   02 6643 0245  or  0427 457 382

For further information contact:
Des Schroder  Deputy General Manager (Environment & Economic)  6643 0203
Clarence Valley Council
Locked Bag 23
Grafton, NSW, 2460

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