
Friday 22 March 2013

Want to have your say on the latest O'Farrell Government attempt to force CSG mining on reluctant communities?

The NSW Government intends to implement the proposed coal seam gas mining and exploration exclusion zones for residential areas and critical industry clusters, as an amendment to the Mining State Environmental Planning Policy (SEPP), titled State Environmental Planning Policy (Mining, Petroleum Production and Extractive Industries) Amendment(Coal Seam Gas Exclusion Zones) 2013.

What the advertisement currently appearing in selected local papers on the NSW North Coast doesn't say is that this change will also give local councils the right to override proposed CSG mining exclusion zones provisions to allow for exploration and mining:
The draft amendment is currently on public exhibition and can be viewed here.
The deadline for submissions is Friday 12 April 2013.
Submissions can be mailed to:
The Director – Strategic Regional Policy,
NSW Department of Planning and Infrastructure,
GPO Box 39, Sydney NSW 2001
Further information can be obtained at Department of Planning and Infrastructure’s Information Centre on 1300 305 695 or by emailing to


  1. The new August 2013 SEPP Amendment will give Coal & Gas the key to Your Gate! The new proposed SEPP Amendment is worse.

    Under this proposal the FIRST criterion for assessing Development Applications for the Mining and Extractive Industries is "ECONOMIC BENEFIT TO THE STATE".

    Thus: Water, Environment, Health, Agriculture and every other reason will all come second to ECONOMIC BENEFIT TO THE STATE.

    Get your submission in by 12 August 2013.

  2. This is a message to ClarenceGirl

    PLEASE update your Blog to alert people to the clear advantage the O'Farrell Govt is giving Coal and Gas Miners with the NEW AUGUST 2013 Amendment to the SEPP ACT.
    It seems people are assuming that NSW Govt has shut the door on Coal & Gas, but they haven't. They've done a 'swifty' on the people of NSW, and reneged all their promises. Do your readers know there is only 6 days to put in submission against giving Mining & Extractive Industries Priority applications priority over Water, Health, Environment etc. concerns.


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