
Wednesday 5 June 2013

Julie Bishop denies The Guardian article

ABC News 31 May 2013:
Indonesia has sent another clear message that it opposes the Federal Opposition's policy of turning back boats carrying asylum seekers. Indonesia's ambassador to Australia says his country would welcome whoever wins the election, but has ruled out collaborating on turning back the boats to his country. Nevertheless, the Coalition is vowing to press ahead with its policy to turn back boats where it's safe to do so.
Herald Sun 3 June 2013:
"At no time did I say in an interview ... that the coalition had either negotiated or reached an agreement with Indonesia," she said. "Indeed I said repeatedly in that interview that the coalition in opposition cannot reach agreements with foreign governments."
The Guardian 3 June 2013:
Here is the relevant extract from the transcript of Lenore Taylor's discussion with Julie Bishop:
Lenore Taylor: “On Indonesia, you always seem to say that you have had lots of discussions with Jakarta and you think you could manage the issue of turning back boats. Why do you think you could manage the issue of turning back boats given what Indonesian officials always say publicly? What do you know that we don't know about how about that could be managed?”
Julie Bishop: “Well I am not at liberty to tell you. I have had a number of conversations with high-ranking Indonesian ministers and officials, as has [immigration spokesman] Scott Morrison as has [Coalition leader] Tony Abbott and I am convinced we can work in cooperation with Indonesia to achieve our policy aim.”
Lenore Taylor: “So they would take boats back?”
Julie Bishop: “I am confident we would be able to achieve what we did in the past. The fact is they are Indonesian boats with Indonesian crew and I am sure we can work cooperatively with them and Lenore, one thing you understand about diplomacy and others do as well is the professional diplomats are paid to present, aah, particular views but what goes on behind the scenes can be quite different – what people say privately can be different to what they say publicly, that’s why I am devoting my time to quiet consistent diplomatic messaging and relationships.”

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