
Thursday 6 June 2013

Those wonderful folks who taught the Liberal Party's Cory Bernardi how to politik

Figure 1.
Connections between the tobacco industry, third-party allies and the Tea Party, from the 1980's (top) through 2012 (bottom). The thick black line connects CSE with its direct successor organisations. Online supplementary tables S1 and S2 provide more details on the linkages depicted in this figure.


The tobacco companies have created third-party allies, front groups and used public relations firms to foment the appearance of popular public opposition to tobacco control policies for decades. Tea Party strategy and leadership has important roots in these tobacco industry efforts. AFP and FreedomWorks, national organisers of the Tea Party, grew out of CSE, an organisation with strong ties to the tobacco industry. AFP and FreedomWorks continue to mobilise grassroots opposition to tobacco control policies despite the evidence that Tea Party supporters favour such policies. It is important for policy-makers, the health community and people who support the Tea Party to be aware of these complex and often hard-to-track linkages. Rather than being purely a grassroots movement, the Tea Party has been influenced by decades of astroturfing by tobacco and other corporate interests to develop a grassroots network to support their corporate agendas, even though their members may not support those agendas. Greater transparency of organisation funding is needed so that policymakers and the general public—including people who identify with the Tea Party—can evaluate claims of political support for, and opposition to, health and other public policies. It is important for tobacco control advocates, in the USA and internationally, to anticipate and counter Tea Party opposition to tobacco control policies and to ensure that policy makers, the media and the public understand the longstanding intersection between the tobacco industry and the Tea Party policy agenda.
A brief look at South Australian Liberal Senator and former Parliamentary Secretary to Opposition Leader Tony Abbott, Cory Bernardi…..

Herald Sun 19 September 2012:

The Global Mail 21 September 2012: 28 January 2013:

Senator Bernardi is an international delegate of the American Legislative Exchange Council, an anti-gun control and pro-tobacco group.

The Australian 27 May 2013:


  1. Actually ALEC is not just connected to those in the article, but part of what is known in the US as the "John Tanton Network"


    There are also other links in Australia with Labor politicians and "sustainable population personalities" through other parts of the network in the US whether that be Progressive for Immigration Reform, Federation of Americans for Immigration Reform", "The Social Contract Press" etc..

    However, the ties that bind are John Tanton and his 'philosophy' on the world...

  2. Andrew,

    You have explained an apparent link between the John Tanton Network and the American Legislative Exchange Council which Source Watch confirms, but have not supplied any evidence for your assertion that Australian Labor Party MPs are connected to the far-right network.

    If you have any proof, please post same.


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