
Friday 21 June 2013

Meet Page's PUP

The Daily Examiner 10 June 2012:

Mr Palmer has announced Stephen Janes, who owns That New Coffee Shop at Ballina with his wife, Jennie, will stand challenge sitting member Janelle Saffin for the seat of Page at the Federal election in September……
In a statement released by the Palmer United Party, Mr Janes said he wanted to represent "people like me".


Steve Janes now has a blog, on which he cheerfully admits that: I’m new to the area, don’t know many people, don’t know the issues! He also expects that the issues in Page can be learnt quickly.

One could almost feel for this somewhat clumsy novice - except for the fact that his party leader is still pursuing the possibility of commercially mining coal in that part of the Clarence River catchment where an estimated 126,000 people source their drinking water.

By standing for the Palmer United Party Janes is standing for the mining industry's continuing attempts to exploit what Northern Rivers communities have fought hard to protect - our natural environment, water security and regional economies.

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