
Friday 21 June 2013

Robert Borsak and his friends want to slaughter this little brown duck and Barry O'Farrell said, Sure, go ahead!

Pink-eared Duck
Malacorhynchus membranaceus
approx. 38-40 cm in length
 carnivorous & mostly consumes aquatic invertebrates, primarily chironomid larvae
prefers to breed on receding floodwaters and forage on wetland margins
Female Pink-eared Duck with ducklings
Not content with the O'Farrell Government opening up National Parks in New South Wales to hunters and passing the Game and Feral Animal Control Further Amendment Act 2012 to allow the killing of 14 native birds species on private land, Robert Borsack MLC now appears to have green lighting the re-introduction into the Australian community of semi-automatic weapons on his wish list.

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