
Thursday 14 November 2013

Madam Speaker Bronwyn Bishop - partisan, contradictory and in error

First the derogatory nickname used for the Labor Leader of the Opposition was ruled a description then in the next breath It was not a description. 

Either way the new Speaker found using a nickname was not unparliamentary, despite such use appearing to fly in the face of at least two sections of House of Representatives Standing and Sessional Orders** which were not included in those government amendments to these orders that were voted in at 12.44pm on 13 November 2013.

Excerpt from House Of Representatives Hansard of 13 November 2013:

Mr PYNE (Sturt—Minister for Education) (09:22): The reason standing orders should not be suspended on this occasion is that the coalition won the election two months ago and today we want to introduce the carbon tax repeal bills. On the draft daily program, the carbon tax repeal bills are listed for debate. Labor has demonstrated for the last 20 minutes that they will do anything to stand in the way of lowering electricity prices in this country. 
'Electricity Bill' Shorten, as his first political act in the parliament, has desired to get his Manager of Opposition Business to block the repeal of the carbon tax. 
Mr Burke: I rise on a point of order. A large number of comments were made yesterday about people being referred to by correct titles.To have the Leader of the House immediately abrogating that is inappropriate and his comment should be withdrawn. 
The SPEAKER: The Leader of the House was not addressing a member by any title; he was merely using a description and I do not find the term unparliamentarily. [sic]
Mr Burke: On the point of order, Madam Speaker, I am not sure whether you heard the description that was given— 
The SPEAKER: It was not a description. 
Mr Burke: but what we had was something that even the Prime Minister yesterday acknowledged could not be used within the chamber. 
The SPEAKER: I have already ruled on the point of order and you are raising the matter a second time.

** 64 No Member to be referred to by name
In the House and the Federation Chamber, a Member shall not be referred to by name, but by one of the following forms, as appropriate:
(a) the Member’s ministerial office (e.g. Prime Minister, Minister for Defence, Attorney-General);
(b) the Member’s parliamentary office (e.g. Leader of the House, Leader of the Opposition, Chief Government Whip);
(c) the Member’s electoral division (e.g. Member for Adelaide).
89 Offensive words
A Member must not use offensive words against:
(a) either House of the Parliament or a Member of the Parliament; or
(b) a member of the Judiciary.


The new Nationals Member for Page was in the Chamber and voted with other Government MPs to gag debate on the Speaker's ruling.

1 comment:

  1. Hasn't any journo ever noticed that in her entire time in Opposition Bronnie rarely had a point of order go in her favour - she has no idea of custom, precedent or standing orders.
    She must be an embarrassment to her more knowledgeable colleagues and to her family.


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