
Friday 15 November 2013

On only the second full business day of the 44th Australian Parliament the Abbott Government appears to be in breach of a Senate Order

It seems that Prime Minister Tony Abbott is willing to defy a Senate Order For Production Of Documents, as what was tabled one hour and thirty-four minutes past the stated deadline was a Letter from the Assistant Treasurer (Senator Sinodinos) to the Clerk of the Senate (Dr Laing) responding to the order of the Senate of 13 November 2013, dated 14 November 2013.


Senate Hansard 12 November 2013:

Senator Cameron to move:

That there be laid on the table by the Minister Representing the Treasurer, by no later than 2 pm on Thursday, 14 November 2013; all documents relating to the decision to grant $8.8 billion to the Reserve Bank of Australia Reserve Fund, including, but not limited to, documents produced by and/or for, and communications to and/or from the following:
(a) the Treasurer;
(b) the office of the Treasurer;
(c) the Treasury;
(d) the Prime Minister;
(e) the office of the Prime Minister;
(f) the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet;
(g) members of the board of the Reserve Bank of Australia; and
(h) the Reserve Bank of Australia.

Senate Hansard 13 November 2013:

Reserve Bank of Australia
Order for the Production of Documents

Senator CAMERON (New South Wales) (15:46): I move:
That there be laid on the table by the Minister Representing the Treasurer, by no later than 2 pm on Thursday, 14
November 2013; all documents relating to the decision to grant $8.8 billion to the Reserve Bank of Australia Reserve Fund,
including, but not limited to, documents produced by and/or for, and communications to and/or from the following:
(a) the Treasurer;
(b) the office of the Treasurer;
(c) the Treasury;
(d) the Prime Minister;
(e) the office of the Prime Minister;
(f) the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet;
(g) members of the board of the Reserve Bank of Australia; and
(h) the Reserve Bank of Australia.

Question agreed to.

Senate Hansard 14 November 2013:

Senator SINODINOS (New South WalesAssistant Treasurer) (15:34): I table my response relating to the order for the production of documents concerning the Reserve Bank of Australia reserve fund.*

* House of Representatives Hansard for 14 November confirms that the Labor Opposition's believes Sinodinos tabled none of the requested documents.

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