
Monday 5 September 2016

No Yamba Mega Port group puts port question to candidates in Clarence Valley local government election

29 August 2016 · 

With an upcoming council election on 10 September we contacted all candidates standing for the Clarence Valley Council to ask their stance on the proposed Yamba Mega Port.
This is what we asked:
1. Do you support the proposed Yamba Mega Port?:
A. No
B. Yes
C. Unsure
D. Yes, with qualifications
2. Please provide an explanation of your position.
A summary of all answers to question 1 can be seen in the table below.
The statements provided in response to question 2 will be posted individually over the next few days.

Arthur Lysaught, elected unopposed at a council by-election in 2015, is overseas for the duration of this local government election campaign and the 10 September polling day.
Brett Tibbett, a first time candidate, is a surprising absence from this list.

Individual statements supplied to No Yamba Mega Port by candidates to date:
John Riggall
Arthur Lysault - no statement supplied

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