
Sunday 4 September 2016

Warning to Canberra: British MPs here to listen and act as they arrive in Norfolk Island on fact-finding programme

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29 Aug 2016 1:21 PM AEST - Warning to Canberra: British MPs here to listen and act as they arrive in Norfolk Island on fact-finding programme

Media Release
29th August 2016

Warning to Canberra: British MPs here to listen and act as they arrive in Norfolk Island on fact-finding programme

On arrival tomorrow in Norfolk Island, a delegation of British Parliamentarians will begin a three day fact-finding programme in response to Canberra's annexation of Norfolk Island.  The delegation, led by Foreign Affairs Select Committee member, Andrew Rosindell MP (Conservative, Romford) will seek to gain further understanding about the key issues and to hear first-hand the views and opinions of Norfolk Islanders.

Hosting the delegation is Andre Nobbs, Technical Advisor to the Council of Elders and former Norfolk Island Chief Minister, who first proposed a visit of UK Parliamentarians to Norfolk Island after receiving positive soundings from MPs during his visit to London last November.  Mr Nobbs states that the purpose of the delegation is to highlight that the process to remove self-government was based on misleading and flawed data and the process was enacted against the wishes of the majority of the people of Norfolk Island.

An invitation to visit Norfolk Island was sent towards the end of 2015 and during June this year a report was provided to MPs in Westminster and the invitation to visit the island was discussed in detail culminating in an agreed timing and commitment to a neutral evaluation of the Island's situation.

On behalf of the Council of Elders, the Norfolk Island People for Democracy and the majority of Norfolk Island people as identified in official referendum, Andre Nobbs states:

"Upon my return from London, we identified that Norfolk Island has many friends who are keen to listen and act, this week's visitation and engagement with the community is testament to that fact.  We are pleased to welcome Mr Rosindell and his two colleagues, Ms Paula Sherriff MP and Mr Daniel Kawczynski MP.

"So let this be a warning to Canberra - the people of Norfolk Island want a different constitutional arrangement - and that means self-determination and self-government.  There was and is still room for a collaborated, successful and productive outcome and we would like the opportunity to engage - with an independent oversight body to ensure all parties do the right thing."

© Australian Associated Press, 2016  

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