Showing posts with label Australian East Coast. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Australian East Coast. Show all posts

Sunday 19 May 2024

For around 43 years the invasive Fire Ant has been expanding its territory on the Australian east coast and the federal & state governments have still not eradicated this dangerous menace - in fact they appear to be losing the battle

Fire Ant (Solenopsis invicta) nests have been surfacing on the Australian east coast from Port of Brisbane, Qld to Port Botany, NSW beginning in February 2001 but are believed to have actually arrived on the Australian east coast up to 20 years earlier, given the initial Port of Brisbane discovery uncovered 470 known colonies spread over 8,300 hectares.

The most recent NSW infestation was found in northern NSW at Wardell, near Ballina, on 19 January 2024.

Approximately 99 per cent of the Australian mainland is vulnerable to this invasive species which according to the National Fire Ant Eradication Program has the capacity to surpass the combined damage done each year by our worst pests: feral cats, wild dogs, foxes, camels, rabbits and cane toads.

Image courtesy of Invasive Species Council under creative commons licence 4.0

On the 18 October 2023, the Fire Ant situation was referred to the Rural and Regional Affairs and Transport References Committee for inquiry and report by 18 April 2024.

The 96-page report was published on 13 May 2024 under the title "Red imported fire ants in Australia: Don't Let This Come Back to Bite Us".

The report made ten recommendations which, in diplomatic language, pointed to the fact there is no statutory body overseeing the current eradication plan. 

While the Queensland-focussed 10 year plan itself, now morphed into a broader 5 year plan struggling under the need for expanded expertise, is still significantly underfunded and hampered by past poor execution starting from the federal-states decision making right down to regional level response. With the most notable blunder occurring during the federal Howard Liberal Government years when funding was permanently withdrawn around four years into the original eradication response. This was followed in 2012 by a Qld Newman Liberal Government reduced both funding and staff numbers in that state's fire ant eradication response. Both these events at various points in time have (not without a degree of justification) been blamed for the current failure to either eradicate or contain the spread of fire ants in the eastern half of the country.

So perhaps the following news article should come as no surprise.

ABC News, 18 May 2024:

When Amanda King and her mother Leanne Williams were bitten by fire ants, they were not prepared to become frontline recruits in the federal government's battle with the pest.

The pair were last year bitten multiple times at their Kleinton home, north of Toowoomba, resulting in painful pustules on their legs and arms.

They reported the suspicious nests to the state and federally funded National Fire Ant Eradication Program (NFAEP) in April last year and it took 67 days for a program officer to inspect and subsequently eradicate the pests.

What happened during that time, Ms King said, were repeated requests for them to collect photographic and physical evidence before inspectors would visit their home.

"He basically said, 'No. You need to send photos first,' and then he sent an email with specifications of what to send," Ms King said.

"I rang back and said, 'I can't get photos.'"

What are fire ants and why do they pose such a threat?

There are fears the spread of fires ants could change the outdoor lifestyle Australians know and love.

Ms King, a veterinary nurse who often works 6am to 6pm, said it was difficult to take accurate photos in the dark and that the program was putting too much of the surveillance burden on the public.

"What happens if it's some 70-year-old lady who thinks she has [them]?" she said.

"She's probably not going to have an iPhone that's going to take a proper photo. I think it's unfair for them to do that, so that needs to change."

Her mother agrees....

The ants, which were first detected in 2001 in Brisbane, have spread to south east Queensland and northern New South Wales, with concerns they could enter the Murray-Darling river system after being found at the Oakey Army Aviation Centre in April [78 nests].

Biosecurity zone to be set up

A biosecurity zone will be set up within a 5-kilometre radius of the Oakey base on Monday, placing further legal requirements on those in the zone.

Yesterday, 4 kilometres from Amanda and Leanne's home, fire ants were also officially detected in Meringandan West for the first time.

NFAEP said public help was vital to the program.

"Reports from the public are vital to our national eradication effort and we thank Ms King for her vigilance in notifying us about this sighting," the spokesperson said.

But with 36,945 suspected fire ant reports made since May 2023, and 13,786 of them confirmed as positive, testing is a mammoth task for the governments and departments involved..... [my yellow highlighting]

Read the full article at

Thursday 13 October 2022

So you built, purchased or rent housing on flood prone land - what comes next beside an upgraded personal flood plan?


2022 may be the year that brought home to many on the Australian east coast what it really means in a changing climate to have built, purchased or rented a freestanding house, townhouse, unit or flat on flood prone land or on floodplain.

Right now, ten months into the third year of a triple La Niña event, individuals and couples may well be wishing that the real estate agent, local council, individual who did the property conveyancing, a neighbour, friend or family member, had been a little more forthcoming about what moving to a particular street, town, local government area or region actually meant when it came to hazard risks from storms, heavy rainfalls and local or widespread flooding.

Whether it is your first home, your retirement dream home or just an affordable rental in which you are happily settled, for literally thousands of people the limitations of the dwelling in which they currently live is becoming apparent.

While devastated souls in catastrophically affected areas are trying to come to grips with trauma and loss as they assess their options.

Where to start with looking at your home with fresh eyes, before deciding if it will withstand the worst floods or whether you need to modify the dwelling, move the house to higher ground or look for a brand new home on land in a safer area? Big decisions.

In mid-2021 a report was published looking at certain options available for flood prone buildings.


Globally, floods cause widespread impacts with loss of life and damage to property. An analysis of global statistics conducted by Jonkman (2005) showed that floods (including coastal flooding) caused 175,000 fatalities and affected more than 2.2 billion people between 1975 and 2002. In Australia floods cause more damage on an average annual cost basis than any other natural hazard (HNFMSC, 2006). The fundamental cause of this level of damage and the key factor contributing to flood risk, in general, is the presence of vulnerable buildings constructed within floodplains due to ineffective land use planning.

Retrospective analysis show large benefits from disaster risk reduction (DRR) in the contexts of many developed and developing countries. A study conducted by the U.S. Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) found an overall benefit-cost ratio of four suggesting that DRR can be highly effective in future loss reduction (MMC, 2005). However, in spite of potentially high returns, there is limited research in Australia on assessing benefits of different mitigation strategies with consequential reduced investment made in loss reduction measures by individuals and governments. This is true not only at an individual level but also at national and international levels. According to an estimate, international donor agencies allocate 98% of their disaster management funds for relief and reconstruction activities and just 2% is allocated to reduce future losses (Mechler, 2011).

The Bushfire and Natural Hazards Collaborative Research Centre project entitled Cost-effective mitigation strategy development for flood prone buildings is examining the opportunities for reducing the vulnerability of Australian residential buildings to riverine floods. It addresses the need for an evidence base to inform decision making on the mitigation of the flood risk posed by the most vulnerable Australian building types and complements parallel CRC projects for earthquake and severe wind.

This project investigates methods for the upgrading of the existing residential building stock in floodplains to increase their resilience in future flood events. It aims to identify economically optimal upgrading solutions so the finite resources available can be best used to minimise losses, decrease human suffering, improve safety and ensure amenity for communities.

This report describes the research methods, project activities, outcomes and their potential for utilisation.

Flood mitigation strategies mentioned in the report


Elevation of a structure is one of the most common mitigation strategies where the aim is to raise the lowest habitable floor of a building above the expected level of flooding. This can be achieved by extending the walls of an existing structure and raising the floor level; by constructing a new floor above the existing one; or through raising the whole structure on new foundations (walls, piers, columns or piles)as shown in Figure 3.

Technical considerations that need to be taken into account in raising buildings are structure type, construction material, foundation type, building size, flood characteristics and other hazards. Other factors to take into consideration when elevating existing structures are additional loading on foundations, additional wind forces on wall and roof systems and any seismic forces (FEMA, 2012).

Generally the least expensive and easiest building to elevate is a low-set single storey timber frame structure (USACE, 2000). The procedure becomes complicated and more expensive when other factors are included such as slab on-grade construction, walls of masonry or concrete or application to a multistorey building (USACE, 1993). Elevation is one of the strategies which currently can result in incentives from the insurance industry in the form of reductions in annual premiums for flood insurance (Bartzis, 2013).


Relocation of a building is a dependable flood mitigation technique. However, it is generally the most expensive as well (USACE, 1993). Relocation involves moving a structure to a location that is less prone to flooding. Relocation normally involves placing the structure on a wheeled vehicle, as shown in Figure 4. The structure is then transported to a new location and set on a new foundation (FEMA, 2012). Relocation is much easier and cost effective for low-set timber frame structures. The relocation of slab-on-grade structures is more complicated and expensive.

Relocation is most appropriate in areas where flood conditions are severe such as a high likelihood of deep flooding, or where there is high flow velocity with short warning time and a significant quantity of debris. Technical considerations for relocation include the structure type, size and condition. Light weight timber structures are easy to transport compared to heavy masonry and concrete buildings. Similarly, the relocation of single storey compact size structures is far easier than for large multi-storey structures.

Dry floodproofing

Dry floodproofing essentially attempts to keep floodwaters out of the house. The portion of a structure that is below the expected flood level is sealed to make it substantially impermeable to floodwaters. This is achieved by using sealant systems which include wall coatings, waterproofing compounds, impervious sheeting over doors and windows and a supplementary leaf of masonry (FEMA, 2012). The expected duration of flooding is critical when deciding which sealant systems to use because seepage can increase with time making flood proofing ineffective (USACE, 1993). Preventing sewer backflow by using backwater valves is also important in making dry floodproofing effective (Kreibich et al. 2005; FEMA, 2007).

Dry floodproofing is generally not recommended in flood depths exceeding one metre based on tests carried out by the US Army Corps of Engineers as the stability of the building becomes an issue over this threshold depth (USACE, 1988; Kreibich et al. 2005). Dry floodproofing is also not recommended for lightweight low-set structures or structures with a basement. These types of structure can be susceptible to significant lateral and uplift (buoyancy) forces. Dry floodproofing may also be inappropriate for light timber frame structures and structures that are not in good condition and may not be able to withstand the forces exerted by the floodwater (FEMA, 2012).

Wet floodproofing

In this measure floodwater is allowed to enter the building to equalise the hydrostatic pressure on the interior and exterior of the building, thus reducing the chance of building failure due to a pressure differential on components. As all the building components below the flood level are wetted, all construction material and fit-outs should be water-resistant and/or can be easily cleaned following a flood. Flood resistant materials can help reduce flood damage and facilitate cleanup to allow buildings to be restored to service as quickly as possible. FEMA (2008) provides a detailed list of building materials classified as acceptable or unacceptable for wet floodproofing based on cleanability and water resistance.

Wet floodproofing involves raising utilities (heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC), electrical systems etc.) and important contents above the expected flood level.

Wet floodproofing may not be suitable in floods with duration of more than a day as longer duration can lead to damage to structural components of the building and can also result in the growth of algae and mould (FEMA, 2007). Also wet floodproofing can only reduce loss from floods but cannot eliminate loss as some amount of cleanup and cosmetic repair will always be necessary (USACE, 1984). Although using flood damage resistant materials can reduce the amount and severity of water damage, it does not protect buildings from other flood hazards, such as the impact of flood borne debris.

Flood barriers

Flood barriers considered here are those built around a single building and are normally placed some distance away from it to avoid any structural modifications to the building. There are two kinds of barriers: permanent and temporary.

An example of a permanent barrier is a floodwall which is quite effective because it requires little maintenance and can be easily constructed and inspected. Generally, it is made of reinforced masonry or concrete and has one or more passageways that are closed by gates. An example of a floodwall is shown in Figure 5.

There are also several types of temporary flood barriers available on the market which can be moved, stored and reused. There are a number of considerations with regard to the use of these barriers such as the need for prior warning and enough time to be set up in order to be effective (Kreibich et al. 2011). They also require periodic inspection and maintenance to address any repair required. Further, access to the building could be difficult (FEMA, 2007).

A number of vendors make temporary flood barriers that can be assembled relatively easily and moved into place. Some of the temporary flood barrier options are presented below and shown in Figure 6.

Sandbags: This is a traditional and less expensive way to construct a barrier up to 1m high in front of a building and its openings. However, it requires considerable time and effort to set up.

PVC tubes: These consist of two flexible tubes laid side by side and joined permanently to form a twin element with high stability. They can be made ready quite quickly, generally in less than 15 minutes, and are available in 1m height and 10m length units.

Metal boards/fence: This fence system consists of two boards in compact flat packs that are lifted into place after transportation to the site and the system is stabilised by water pressure.

Flexible barriers: These barriers are able to dam or redirect flowing water up to 1m high and can be set up very quickly on almost all surfaces.

Box wall: A freestanding flood barrier for use on smooth surfaces. These can be attached and placed next to each other to build a 0.5m high wall around a building.

Box barrier: An effective temporary flood barrier (0.5m high) that can be aligned easily and rapidly. After positioning, the box can be filled with water to hold it in place.

The report looks at vulnerability to flood risks of various types of housing from: Timber Frame (raised floor); Cavity Masonry - Victorian Terrace (raised floor); Cavity Masonry (raised floor); Brick Veneer (raised floor); and Brick Veneer (slab-on-grade).

The report also examines the strength of selected building components and generally the cost effectiveness of building material for use in flood prone buildings.

The full report can be downloaded at:

Thursday 15 September 2022

THREAT OF FLOOD REMAINS: a third La Niña event is underway in the Pacific Ocean and communities in eastern Australia should be prepared for above-average rainfall over spring and early summer




 Australian Bureau of Meteorology, media release, 13 September 2022:

La Nina event declared - above average rainfall likely for eastern Australia

The Bureau of Meteorology has declared a La Niña event is underway in the Pacific Ocean and communities in eastern Australia should be prepared for above-average rainfall over spring and early summer.

Bureau of Meteorology head of long-range forecasts, Dr Andrew Watkins, said the Bureau's three-month climate outlook shows a high chance of above average rainfall for most of the eastern half of the Australian mainland and eastern Tasmania.

During La Niña events, waters in the eastern tropical Pacific Ocean are cooler than normal, and waters in the western tropical Pacific Ocean warmer than normal. This causes changes in wind, cloud and pressure patterns over the Pacific. When this change in the atmosphere combines with changes in ocean temperature, it can influence global weather patterns and climate, including increasing rainfall over large parts of Australia”.

Dr Watkins said while La Niña criteria have been met, most models forecast this event to be weak to moderate in strength, likely to peak during spring and ease during summer.

"La Niña is not the only driver influencing this wet outlook. To our west, a significant negative Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD) event is underway. We expect the IOD influence will reduce in late spring or early summer,” Dr Watkins said.

"The Southern Annular Mode (SAM) is also in a positive phase, and likely to remain positive into summer. Positive SAM during summer pushes weather systems south, which increases the chance of rain in New South Wales, eastern Victoria and southern parts of Queensland,” he said.

Dr Watkins said all these climate influences push Australia's climate towards a wetter phase, and together have shaped our outlook for the coming months that shows more than 80 per cent chance of above average rainfall for many parts of the eastern half of Australia.

With catchments already wet, the flood risk remains, particularly for eastern Australia.

The Bureau is encouraging communities to keep up to date with the latest forecasts and warnings on the Bureau's website and BOM Weather app.

For more information about our climate outlook and La Niña visit our website:

2022 marks the third year in a row of La Niña conditions. 


Wednesday 13 July 2022

"There's a lot of water coming their way"......


Washed Away: The toll of Australia’s flood catastrophe | ABC "Four Corners" program. Video runs for 44:52mins.

"Everything has to change right now"

Professor Elizabeth Mossop

Dean, UTS Faculty of Design, Architecture & Building

Tuesday 8 March 2022

CLIMATE COUNCIL: Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison must acknowledge climate change in 2022 flood disaster




This is climate change. Now is the time for leadership.

The scale and speed of the flooding disaster still unfolding across Queensland and New South Wales is breathtaking. Some communities remain cut off and in dire need of fresh water and food, emergency housing, telecommunications, and power.

The emergency response is still underway, but we already know of widespread devastation with lives lost, livelihoods swept away and entire towns destroyed.

As extraordinary flooding and extreme rainfall were sweeping the east coast, hundreds of the world’s most eminent scientists were providing information painfully relevant to what Australians are experiencing.

The latest report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change makes it crystal clear that climate change is intensifying extreme weather events including rainfall events like this one.

The report warns that our ability to cope with these events as well as escalating heatwaves, bushfires, and other extremes is rapidly diminishing. It spells out how the decisions of governments this decade will determine how much worse things get.

In short: unless we rapidly and drastically cut greenhouse gas emissions this decade, extreme weather will get much, much worse.

Climate change isn’t a footnote to the story of these floods. It is the story.

Some politicians claim this flooding disaster was something no one could have predicted. The implication is that the heartbreak and loss being experienced by so many Australians right now is unavoidable.

The truth is, scientists have been warning us for decades that climate change will worsen all extreme weather in Australia. Deadlier heatwaves. Devastating droughts. Megafires like Black Summer. Rainbombs such as this.

Many of these flood-affected communities have experienced multiple “unprecedented” disasters in the past 10 years. If we don’t start talking about why this is happening then we won’t be able to respond appropriately to this disaster over the coming months and years. Nor can we adequately prepare for those on the way.

Worsening disaster after disaster – with fewer reprieves between are our reality, because the Earth’s atmosphere is warmer, wetter, and more energetic. This is climate change.

Unprecedented is no reason to be unprepared.

We’ve had decades to respond to expert advice and help communities prepare for a massive escalation in extreme weather.

It’s been almost 500 days since the Royal Commission into Natural National Disaster Arrangements handed its report to the Morrison Government. The Commission acknowledged the role that climate change is playing in worsening disasters such as the Black Summer bushfires: “Natural disasters have changed, and it has become clear to us that the nation’s disaster management arrangements must also change.”

Our frontline responders are being stretched past their absolute limits. Battered communities are struggling to cope, often experiencing multiple record-breaking disasters within a few years. In some parts of Australia people can no longer afford insurance and many will be left with little after these waters recede.

Major investment and careful planning are required to prepare communities and first responders.

Where are our leaders?

Too many leaders are silent or absent. Some are wilfully misleading the public about what little has been done to address the climate challenge. Time and again expert advice is offered but ignored.

Now is the time to talk about the Morrison Government’s inadequate response to climate change, because burning coal, oil, and gas is supercharging extreme weather. 

Those who argue otherwise want debate gagged because they are failing to step up on this issue.

Australians are paying a high price for the lack of meaningful national action to tackle climate change and prepare communities for worsening extreme weather.

Elected leaders must be held accountable.

The media has a critical role to play in explaining why extreme weather events are becoming more frequent and severe. Today, it is remiss to report on any extreme weather event without providing information on how climate change worsens these events, and what should be done in response.

Australians want and deserve better than this.

We call on all federal political parties and candidates to:

    1. Tell Australians what concrete steps you will take to prepare and equip emergency services and communities for inevitable climate-fuelled disasters.

    2. Actively acknowledge the destructive role that climate change is playing in driving worsening disasters including these megafloods.

    3. Explain to the public how in the next term of Federal Parliament you plan to get national emissions plummeting by rapidly scaling up readily available renewable energy and building an economy that is free from fossil fuels.

    4. Ensure that towns, cities and communities are rebuilt in a way that takes into account the inevitable future changes in climate and makes them more resilient.

    5. It’s time to show leadership and step up to the most critical issue not just of our time, but all time. We have everything to lose, the time for action is now.


The Climate Council brings together Australia’s preeminent experts of climate science, impacts and solutions. We provide authoritative, expert and evidence-based advice on climate change to journalists, policymakers, and the wider Australian community. Our full team of experts can be found here

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By Climate Council / 07 March 2022