Showing posts with label inappropriate development. Show all posts
Showing posts with label inappropriate development. Show all posts

Tuesday 28 May 2024

Yamba CAN announces NSW Upper House Portfolio Committee No.7 visiting West Yamba floodplain urban development site 8:30am Friday 31 May 2024


Now is the time to help make a difference!

Portfolio Committee 7 are coming to Yamba

24 May 2024

Members of NSW Parliament’s Portfolio Committee 7 (Planning and Environment) are visiting Yamba to undertake site visits in relation to the Parliamentary Inquiry into the “Planning system and the impacts of climate change on the environment and communities.”

When is the Committee coming to Yamba: Friday 31 May 2024

Time: 8.30am

The Committee will be travelling down Carrs Drive. There are strict protocols in relation to observers remaining at a distance from the Committee visiting sites.

Yamba CAN Inc would like as many people as possible to stand on either side of Carrs Drive, near the access to Harold Tory Drive and O’Grady’s Lane.

We will have our banners and signs that observers can hold up when the Committee will be driving past in a bus.

Please ensure personal safety in relation to traffic movement.

Please be on site at about 8.20am ready to hold a sign.

The Portfolio Committee 7 Inquiry details and submissions can be seen at:

Please see attached the NR Times and CV Independent articles this week.

Please spread the word to others to attend and please outline that there are strict protocols.


Yamba Community Action Network Inc (Yamba CAN Inc)

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Portfolio Committee No. 7 – Planning and Environment was established on 10 May 2023 in the 58th Parliament to inquire into and report on any matters relevant to the public administration of:

Climate Change, Energy, the Environment, Heritage, Planning and Public Spaces 


Click on articles below to enlarge

Clarence Valley Independent 22 May 2024

Northern Rivers Times 23 May 2024

Wednesday 3 April 2024

Housing estate being built on a floodplain leaves flooded homeowners outraged

Ch 9, "A Current Affair" segment, 2 April 2023:

Locals' outrage as $34m estate approved to be built on a floodplain

With sweeping views on the New South Wales coast, it's easy to see why Yamba has gone from being a small, sleepy, coastal town to a holiday favourite for tourists.

But locals say their idyllic lifestyle is now under threat because the town is being drowned by developers who were given the green light to build on a flood plain.

Dozens of Yamba residents turned up to protest outside a $34 million development being constructed in the town's west.

(NINE) Click on image to enlarge

Locals claim developers are filling the land in with 3.5m of dirt.

They say it's towering over their backyards, means constant vibration and trucks, and worse - has changed the area's water flow and is causing their homes to flood.

Lynne, who is spearheading the town's campaign to 'stop the fill' said the developments are "devastating (the) local people". 

"It's 136 manufactured housing estate, very small lots from 240 to 280 square metres per block, it's all cramped in," she said.

Video of full Current Affairs segment (including February-March 2022 Yamba flood footage) at: